Adverse Agency Actions

Federal Employee Representation

Murray Law welcomes the opportunity to provide dedicated and experienced counsel and representation to federal employees.

Steven Murray has successfully represented prevailing federal employees before the Merit Systems Protection Board, Foreign Service Grievance Board, agency grievance proceedings, and employment discrimination actions before the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

Federal Employee Representation

Federal employees have the legal right to challenge adverse agency actions.

An agency’s proposed adverse action may be challenged in various forums, depending on the specific proposed penalty, the employee’s status, and the governing authority.

Murray Law represents federal employees in all phases of adverse actions, including disciplinary and performance-based actions.

Murray Law provides experienced representation before federal agency employers, agency grievance procedures, and before the Merit Systems Protection Board, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, United States District Courts, and United States Circuit Courts of Appeal, including the Federal Circuit.

Federal Employee Representation – Merit Systems Protection Board

Steven Murray has successfully represented federal employees before the Merit Systems Protection Board in adverse agency actions to remove employees from service. He has represented federal employees before the MSPB in actions based on discipline, i.e. conduct, and performance-based cases.

Federal employees may contest designated agency actions before the Merit Systems Protection Board [MSPB].

The MSPB has jurisdiction over a wide range of personnel actions.

A federal employee is served by consulting an attorney experienced in federal government employment law if the employee is a victim of unlawful action.

The vast majority of federal employees in the competitive service have appeal rights to the MSPB.

An agency action not subject to determination by the MSPB may be subject to review by the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Special Counsel, or one of many federal agencies addressing federal employment issues.

These adverse actions are among the many personnel actions that federal employees may face before the MSPB.

  • Disciplinary Actions
    • Discharge/Removal from federal service.
    • Reductions in pay
    • Reductions in grade
    • Suspensions for over 14 days
  • Unacceptable Performance Actions
    • Discharge from federal service.
    • Suspensions for over 14 days
  • Denial of Within Grade Increase
  • Reductions in Force


Murray Law welcomes the opportunity to provide legal counsel and representation to any federal employee facing an adverse agency action.

Client Reviews

I found Steven at a very stressful time. He has been compassionate, timely, honest & an all around pleasure to work with. His knowledge of employment law is deep and effortless. I am so pleased he is in my corner advocating for me! Thank you, Steven!


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