Age Discrimination

Murray Law welcomes the opportunity to provide experienced counsel and representation to persons subjected to age discrimination.

Federal and Colorado law prohibits age discrimination in employment.

The law prohibits employment discrimination against persons over 40 years of age.

The law protects employees and applicants for employment in private sector employment and federal, state, local government employment from age discrimination.

This practice represents clients asserting age discrimination claims in federal and state court lawsuits, filing discrimination charges with federal, state, and local government agencies, and mediation proceedings.

Steven Murray has successfully represented individuals asserting age discrimination claims in lawsuits, including obtaining jury verdicts and resolutions on behalf of clients in cases before the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

Steven Murray has obtained jury verdicts for clients against private and public sector employers in age discrimination cases.

Age Discrimination Law

Federal and Colorado law prohibits discrimination against persons who are age 40 or older.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act is a federal law prohibiting age discrimination in employment.

The Act’s purpose is to promote older persons’ employment based on their ability rather than age, and prohibit arbitrary age discrimination in employment.

This law covers employers with 20 or more employees, labor organizations, and employment agencies.

The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act is a Colorado law prohibiting age discrimination in employment. Unlike federal law, the Colorado statute applies to employers with one or more employees.

Discriminatory Adverse Actions

An employer cannot treat an employee or applicant differently because of age, including actions based on age-related stereotypes.

An employer cannot take adverse actions that discriminate against an individual because of age.

Because of age, an employer cannot take actions about hiring, firing, compensation, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and measures about any other term or employment condition.

An employer cannot limit, segregate, or classify employees or applicants, which deprive or tend to deprive any person of employment opportunities because of age.


An employer may not retaliate against any employee, former employee, or applicant by taking an adverse action because the individual engaged in lawfully protected activity under the law.

Lawfully protected activity includes filing an age discrimination complaint with the employer or federal, state, or local government agency, or participating in investigations, proceedings, or litigation under the law.

Harassment/Hostile Work Environment

An employer may not subject an employee to harassment or a hostile work environment because of the person’s age.


Murray Law welcomes the opportunity to provide counsel and representation to any person denied the right to be free from age discrimination in employment. Please contact Steven Murray at 720-740-0405.

Client Reviews

I found Steven at a very stressful time. He has been compassionate, timely, honest & an all around pleasure to work with. His knowledge of employment law is deep and effortless. I am so pleased he is in my corner advocating for me! Thank you, Steven!


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