Serious Issues
The legal practice of Steven L. Murray welcomes your emails, subject to the disclaimer set forth herein. Emails will be reviewed and a response provided in a professional and courteous manner, when a response is professionally appropriate. To serve your interests and expedite this process, please list your actual name, rather than only your email address, and postal mailing address.
Any email to this office should not contain any confidential information. No email submitted to or from this office will constitute the formation or creation of any form of attorney-client relationship, provide any legal advice or opinions, or create any duty to perform any legal services. This office is not required to respond to any email from any person or entity seeking legal representation and/or legal advice.
This legal practice provides a mere outline of the issues and laws discussed herein. No topic is covered in such a comprehensive manner as to address all potential and specific issues concerning the legal topic.
The material in this site is provided solely for informational purposes. Any person or entity seeking legal representation should formalize a written attorney-client relationship with an attorney licensed to practice law in the appropriate state court, and/or forum concerning the legal matter in issue.
This legal practice does not provide any legal advice or opinions and does not create any form of attorney-client relationship. Any person seeking legal representation from Mr. Murray must execute a formal written attorney fee agreement with him.