Government Agency Actions
Government Agency Representation
Murray Law represents clients in a wide range of investigatory and decision-making proceedings before federal, state, and local government agencies.
This practice represents individuals and entities in the private sector and persons working in every level of federal, state, and local government—including individuals, employees, employers, applicants, former employees, managers, supervisors, executives, individual professionals, professional practices, and associations.
Investigations & EEO Charges & Defense of Adverse Actions
Murray Law represents individuals, companies, and associations facing employment-related investigations by a government agency.
We represent clients presenting or defending charges of discrimination or retaliation filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a state employment agency, such as the Colorado Civil Rights Division.
Murray Law represents federal, state, and local government employees in all stages of confronting adverse actions by the government agency employer in issue.
This practice represents clients before agencies deciding adverse personnel issues, i.e., the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, the Colorado State Personnel Board, or the City and County of Denver Career Service Authority.
Professional Licensure Representation
Murray Law represents individuals facing regulatory investigations and proposed adverse actions concerning a person’s occupational or professional license.
Murray Law welcomes the opportunity to counsel and represent individuals and entities facing investigations, adverse actions, or proceedings by federal, state, or local government agencies. We look forward to meeting you. Please contact Murray Law, a Denver employment law practice, at 720-740-0405.